Friday, January 27, 2012

Snow Day Cancelled by a Snow Day

Last night I decided Logan would not be going to school today. We were going to have our own little snow day regardless of the weather. He has had plenty of 3 and 4 day weekends, but it has always been because of a holiday or we are driving to/from Massachusetts. This time it was different. We were going to spend the day at Maine Jump while everyone else would be in school. Then, all those plans changed. The Bangor/Orono area had an actual snow day! So what did we do instead? We went grocery shopping. We will be postponing our snow day to next week. Instead of Maine Jump we are going to the Bangor Discovery Museum, provided I can get tickets from the library.

Before dinner today Logan and I had a family reunion, 21st century style. We sat in bed, flipped open the computer, signed onto Skype and for the first time, we met his 8 month old cousin, Jayson. Jayson's aunts, uncle and grandmother were there too. I was slightly jealous that they were Skyping from their yard and we were stuck inside due to snow (okay, really jealous)! We have only met them in person a couple times and the last time we saw them, Logan was less than a year and Jayson wasn't even alive! I don't mean to sound like an old fart, but it really is remarkable what we are able to do in this day and age.

The reunion ended when Logan became hungry, about 25 minutes later. After dinner I called my mom and dad and gave Logan the cellphone to say hi, but he wouldn't take it. My sister's bathroom has a phone next to the toilet (I guess for those calls that cannot wait) and Logan is obsessed with it. He asked demanded that he use the 'toilet phone' to talk. So we called back and all Logan talked about was getting a new 'boat for the wawa'. He has plenty of toy boats, but for the last 2 weeks he has been asking about getting another one. I am beginning to suspect that he is pushing for an actual boat. Here is to hoping Damien does not sell his boat EVER, or mind that he might have a pint-sized shadow over the summer... Below is Logan once again asking for a boat to put in the water. If only cuteness could get him one...Gosh I love the determination of this kid!

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