Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekend Whoops!

How I spent my weekend:
1) Thought I had diapers in the car. Forgot I gave them to daycare. Put Logan in a way too small swim diaper and prayed he didn't pee until we made it to Target and got him into a diaper. Made it! What an adrenaline rush!
2) Decided to build Logan a snow fort. Ventured to the front lawn with a cooking pot to make snow bricks for a fort. Made 3 and gave up. Put Logan in the sled and picked up the mail at the end of the street. SO glad Logan is still too young to know what my original plan was.
3) Taught Logan the art of Broom-Ball. Future Kimball Union MVP.
4) Tried to make one of my family's recipes. Forgot steps 1 and 2. Apparently you don't just throw all of the ingredients in a sauce pan and heat on medium. Whoops!
5) Attached a steak knife to the end of the broom, climbed on a bar stool and attempted to retrieve a balloon from a ceiling fan. Absolute fail. Never playing balloon games with a 2 year old again...or at least where there are high ceilings and fans!

Steak knife on a broom. Didn't go as planned.


The current state of the balloon/fan. The plastic weight that holds the balloon from floating away is jammed in the fan...Whoops!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Snow Day Cancelled by a Snow Day

Last night I decided Logan would not be going to school today. We were going to have our own little snow day regardless of the weather. He has had plenty of 3 and 4 day weekends, but it has always been because of a holiday or we are driving to/from Massachusetts. This time it was different. We were going to spend the day at Maine Jump while everyone else would be in school. Then, all those plans changed. The Bangor/Orono area had an actual snow day! So what did we do instead? We went grocery shopping. We will be postponing our snow day to next week. Instead of Maine Jump we are going to the Bangor Discovery Museum, provided I can get tickets from the library.

Before dinner today Logan and I had a family reunion, 21st century style. We sat in bed, flipped open the computer, signed onto Skype and for the first time, we met his 8 month old cousin, Jayson. Jayson's aunts, uncle and grandmother were there too. I was slightly jealous that they were Skyping from their yard and we were stuck inside due to snow (okay, really jealous)! We have only met them in person a couple times and the last time we saw them, Logan was less than a year and Jayson wasn't even alive! I don't mean to sound like an old fart, but it really is remarkable what we are able to do in this day and age.

The reunion ended when Logan became hungry, about 25 minutes later. After dinner I called my mom and dad and gave Logan the cellphone to say hi, but he wouldn't take it. My sister's bathroom has a phone next to the toilet (I guess for those calls that cannot wait) and Logan is obsessed with it. He asked demanded that he use the 'toilet phone' to talk. So we called back and all Logan talked about was getting a new 'boat for the wawa'. He has plenty of toy boats, but for the last 2 weeks he has been asking about getting another one. I am beginning to suspect that he is pushing for an actual boat. Here is to hoping Damien does not sell his boat EVER, or mind that he might have a pint-sized shadow over the summer... Below is Logan once again asking for a boat to put in the water. If only cuteness could get him one...Gosh I love the determination of this kid!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Jackpots & Blasters

Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate Logan's Birthday at Chuck E Cheese. I decided to have a small party this year and having my sister offer to host it at CEC was a bonus. No making a cake. No goody bags. No clean up. However, I failed to remember that CEC on a weekend would be packed and a few other kids would also be celebrating a birthday. Regardless, I enjoyed Logan's 2nd Birthday because I didn't feel so overwhelmed with needing to make sure guests were happy and food was ready! Last year I didn't get a cupcake and I never really got to enjoy Logan eating his cake or playing with his friends.

At his party Shane and I both hit the jackpot on separate games. Then about 25 minutes later Logan put a coin in a game, hit a button and walked away. His coin went straight into the jackpot! Suddenly our jackpots didn't seem like such an accomplishment as I heard Shane say. "No way! I couldn't even get that one!" 

When a child has a party at CEC he or she gets to go into the Ticket Blaster and a chance to get a 1,000 point card. Logan is too small for this so I sent Noah in to do the job. For about 3 seconds he wasn't really getting anything. Then all of the sudden he looked down and realized the best way to get tickets is to get the ones that were still on the ground. It was pure genius and I don't think there was a dry eye at the table from laughing so hard!  Best of all, he got the 1,000 point card and Logan and he got some 'nice' stuff at the prize station. I don't have a great picture of the blaster, but I think my mom does. In the mean-time, I'll post these ones....

Collecting tickets
Part of the trail of Logan's was taking so long Logan moved on to another game.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Why did I create this and where is it going?

Lately I have had the urge to write. I don't know what about and even as I write this, it feels extremely corny. This is probably why I never had a journal. Actually, that is a lie. I kept one once when I went to Mexico. I wonder whatever happened to that...

I am kind of sick of Facebook being in almost every aspect of my life so here it is, my very first blog. I recently downloaded Skype and was told "You can find friends on Skype by linking it to Facebook." I tried this for about 2 minutes before deciding that every program on my computer does not need to be somehow linked to Zuckerberg's creation, so I unlinked it. You can find me the old fashioned way on Skype...Ask.

Today was my first day of fieldwork, if anyone cares. I went to an assisted living place in Bangor with 3 other girls from my class. We didn't do a whole lot today, but it was fun planning activities for the senior citizens next week and getting a tour of the place. We got out 3 hours early so we stayed in Bangor and looked in some shops. It was the first shopping trip in along time where I wasn't looking for my son in the clothes racks, demanding he stop laying in the middle of an aisle, or praying he doesn't smash the bottle of pasta sauce he just picked up and 'Ooh'd' at. A year ago a shopping trip without him would have consisted of me constantly panicking that I forgot him in the car or even worse, on top of the car (which I have never once put him there, so I don't know why I used to have visions of him and his car seat sliding off the roof). I have either gotten past the panicked mom stage or I was having too much fun with people over 36 inches tall...I guess I should take a trip alone sometime to find out which one it was.

I learned something new today that completely baffled my mind, thanks to a blogger I have been following for a while. In high school I could have sworn that my typing teacher taught us to always use 2 spaces after each period. I remember when I would only type one space for essays and teachers would draw in a red circle to point out the missing space. Now I am so well trained to do 2 spaces and as it turns out, this is not 'proper typing etiquette'. Next thing you know someone will come along and say it's rude to type with your elbows on the keyboard....